Monday, 24 March 2014

Before you raise FINGER

Look at YOURSELF  first.
Think calmly.
Let LOGIC prevail over raw EMOTION.

Don't raise a finger.
It is never productive.
Call & discuss the differences and justify your views.
Exert Influence , negotiate , be ETHICAL.

If situation so demands,
make a TACTICAL retreat to gain time and resources.
To make a fresh bargain later from an advantageous position.

Make amends if you are on the WRONG.
Don't try to RIGHT a WRONG by another WRONG.

Trust and be TrustWORTHY

You must TRUST your team members.
And You MUST earn their TRUST.

A team is NOT a TEAM if members don't trust each other.
Trust is a very strong binding force essential for Teamwork.

Be Trustworthy .
Otherwise, You will not succeed as a Leader.
Team will not believe in what you say.

Trust breeds cooperation and collaboration
characteristic of teamwork.

Earn trust by leading from the front , leading by examples :
  • By being objective and unbiased in assessment.
  • By display of Ethical behavior
  • By being confident in your work style and subject knowledge.
  • By lending a helping hand whoever genuinely needs.
  • By empowerment , delegation of authority to the competent
  • By being Truthful and keeping commitments
  • By rewarding the deserving candidate.


Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Listen with your ear & EYEs

"Listen with EYES !?
When I have two BIG EARs !?"

I get , almost always, a questioning look , when I say this.
The Look from the listener conveys "Are You MAD?"

Well, I have HEARD the first two lines many times.
In addition , I also hear the emotion behind the statements.
I also see the emotions reflected on the speaker's facial profile.

As my eardrums are working fine , I will always HEAR.
Anyone with the working membrane intact will HEAR always.

We HEAR always.
But do we LISTEN ?

When we LISTEN , do we SEE ?
When we LISTEN and SEE , do we REALIZE ?
When we LISTEN , SEE  and REALIZE , do we RESONATE ?

Well, Hearing and Listening are NOT same.

Hearing is a Mechanical  vibration of your eardrums which mostly reaches the brain.
Listening is more than that - it involves your mind and heart.
It involves seeing and realizing.
It is an experience in itself.
Very Enriching, Very Revealing , Very rewarding Experience quite often.

Rule is :
1. PREPARE to hear : Don't interrupt , don't be judgmental in the beginning
2. OBSERVE tone and body language of the speaker ( HEAR with EYEs !)
3. APPRAISE any emotions hidden behind the statements
4. EVALUATE the statements : are you in PHASE or out of PHASE ?
5. DON'T React , THINK

Listening carefully,
- you learn lot of clues , knowledge not explicit - on the subject , about the speaker
- imparts clarity to the problem at hand , move toward solution faster
- helps you realize  future  gain or potential conflict
- avoids misunderstanding on critical issues