Monday, 14 April 2014

AVOID What BAD Project Managers DO

Some of the characteristics of  BAD project Managers

1. Make Commitment and BREAK it unilaterally.
2. Doesn't share the CREDIT for success.Rather, it is stolen as own.
3. Misrepresents  FACTs to suit time and own interest.
4. Assume that others are all FOOLs , he is the WISEst person.
5. Display obsession with secrecy : everything is a TOP SECRET
6. Doesn't share VITAL information with project team.
7. Likes PSYCHOFANTS and YESMAN and cronies
9. ABUSES  position of authority for material gratification

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Keep project team motivated (Gain Theory)

The proverb "No pain , No Gain" , can be as well be said ,"No GAIN, No PAIN". GAIN is the DRIVING potential that makes an individual or a team to outperform in time , cost and quality . DELTA or GAIN is the law of nature
(heat transfer ,Thermodynamics, fluid motion , and natural forces like gravity, electrodynamics).
We human beings are bound by this law.
We better remember this LAW while dealing in human relationship.

So, as a Leader or Project Manager(PM) think of providing REALIZABLE gains to an individual or collectively as a team. providing GAIN or showing the PATH to GAIN is the strongest Motivational TOOL. But remember, this tool is to be practised very consciously and sincerely throughout the project life and ,just not “Oh! I did it once" type. Or “I will do it when time is just right" type.

Below are some of the ways how a PM/Leader can APPLY this tool:
- Start with the Leadership team. Motivate the group leaders who are key players. Let the group leaders carry this behaviour forward to their direct reports

- Show them the BIG Picture : Dot it and earn It. - Customize gain for each deserving individual : of appreciation in team meeting or in private , prospect of raise , monetary reward , future opportunities…

- Never fail in Commitments of gain made : So , be practical - Express your happiness and give a pat to someone on the spot if he/she outperforms

- Be part of their life , as much as possible, share their pains and concern - Stand by the Team in times of distress. Resolve issues , don’t raise accusing finger. Remain positive and lead the crisis management effort

- Be unbiased ,judge fairly, accept the best suggestion / solution offered - Take the team out for an all-Hands party , enjoy and have fun once in a while.

All these and many of the leadership behaviours which involves soft-skills of human relationship go a long way to keep a person or a team motivated.Needless to say, if a PM is not good in human soft-skills, he/she must be alert to this weakness and take mentoring/coaching to improve his/her skills on this regard.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Before you raise FINGER

Look at YOURSELF  first.
Think calmly.
Let LOGIC prevail over raw EMOTION.

Don't raise a finger.
It is never productive.
Call & discuss the differences and justify your views.
Exert Influence , negotiate , be ETHICAL.

If situation so demands,
make a TACTICAL retreat to gain time and resources.
To make a fresh bargain later from an advantageous position.

Make amends if you are on the WRONG.
Don't try to RIGHT a WRONG by another WRONG.

Trust and be TrustWORTHY

You must TRUST your team members.
And You MUST earn their TRUST.

A team is NOT a TEAM if members don't trust each other.
Trust is a very strong binding force essential for Teamwork.

Be Trustworthy .
Otherwise, You will not succeed as a Leader.
Team will not believe in what you say.

Trust breeds cooperation and collaboration
characteristic of teamwork.

Earn trust by leading from the front , leading by examples :
  • By being objective and unbiased in assessment.
  • By display of Ethical behavior
  • By being confident in your work style and subject knowledge.
  • By lending a helping hand whoever genuinely needs.
  • By empowerment , delegation of authority to the competent
  • By being Truthful and keeping commitments
  • By rewarding the deserving candidate.


Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Listen with your ear & EYEs

"Listen with EYES !?
When I have two BIG EARs !?"

I get , almost always, a questioning look , when I say this.
The Look from the listener conveys "Are You MAD?"

Well, I have HEARD the first two lines many times.
In addition , I also hear the emotion behind the statements.
I also see the emotions reflected on the speaker's facial profile.

As my eardrums are working fine , I will always HEAR.
Anyone with the working membrane intact will HEAR always.

We HEAR always.
But do we LISTEN ?

When we LISTEN , do we SEE ?
When we LISTEN and SEE , do we REALIZE ?
When we LISTEN , SEE  and REALIZE , do we RESONATE ?

Well, Hearing and Listening are NOT same.

Hearing is a Mechanical  vibration of your eardrums which mostly reaches the brain.
Listening is more than that - it involves your mind and heart.
It involves seeing and realizing.
It is an experience in itself.
Very Enriching, Very Revealing , Very rewarding Experience quite often.

Rule is :
1. PREPARE to hear : Don't interrupt , don't be judgmental in the beginning
2. OBSERVE tone and body language of the speaker ( HEAR with EYEs !)
3. APPRAISE any emotions hidden behind the statements
4. EVALUATE the statements : are you in PHASE or out of PHASE ?
5. DON'T React , THINK

Listening carefully,
- you learn lot of clues , knowledge not explicit - on the subject , about the speaker
- imparts clarity to the problem at hand , move toward solution faster
- helps you realize  future  gain or potential conflict
- avoids misunderstanding on critical issues