We are all managers !?
Yes, in a sense, we are.
The world would have been a better place to live were we all good managers -
good managers in our own worksphere - home, business , institutions , administrations.
We continue to manage our affairs , our lives well or poorly , without being aware of essence of good management and the fruitful consequences that may entail. Most of us link it to management of business only leaving a whole domain of life outside the scope of this all pervasive act.
How many times we ask our children to mange their affairs better ?
How many times we undertake any effort for a better kitchen management ?
How many of us teach our kids the art of managing one's purse ?
Very few indeed.
Management as a trait of an individual does not get any attention by and large, until she or he graduates and manages to get into a business school. Those who do not ?
That's a big hole in the education our kids.
Not a surprise that we have only institutionalized managers with a stamp of a business school. And all of them , by law of statistics , are not good managers.
Good management at home reduces wastage of food , water & electricity , keeps people healthy & secure , produces efficient business mangers , adept administrators , sensible politicians , dutiful citizens .
Less burden on food.
Less poverty around the world
Less green house emissions
Less burden on health care system
Less political strife....
The opportunity is enormous.
Let our children hear the essence of management right when they start going to schools. Let them hear the common-sense approach to becoming mini-managers of their affair. Let them grow knowing the distinction between efficiency and mediocrity . Let them know what is called 'quality' & how to avoid a bad quality production. Let them imbibe the sense of punctuality.
The world will be a better place
if our children grow as mini-managers of their lives & environment.
Let Million Managers Bloom.
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