Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Never start with NO


NO is not the BEST word as the 1st word of your answer.

It conveys a NEGATIVITY instantly to your
colleagues, your boss, your family members.

If "NO" is the  only viable solutionsay "NO".
However, don't start with "NO,....."

You can DELIVER a "NOwhile actively adopting
POSITIVE approach to solving a problem.

If "NO" is the best answer, don't say "Yes".

However, first and most important  , convey
your sincerity ,
your determination ,
your alignment to the common goal
your resourcefulness to solve the problem.

Then  spread the logic , your basis of saying "NO". This approach brings forth understanding of your position by your counterpart. In situations, this may even lead to a solution that is Win-Win for both. Even if you don't come to an agreement, it is known why you said "NO".

Be sensitive to use of your language.
It does not pay at all being disrespectful even when you strongly disagree on a view point.

Be resourceful.
Offer a solution with sufficient background and support material , that is better than the current proposal.
Do, praise the good points of  the opponent's proposal while highlighting better aspects of your proposal.

Be ready to negotiate hard.
You can't win a battle by turning your face away from the battlefield. You must hold the ground patiently to put forward your view.Be persistent.

Show humility
However convey STRENGTH in your voice and body language.

Self Check  : Do you start like this ?
"No, I would like to say...."
"No, It is impossible to do it in such short time..."
"No, no, no, you can't do it this way ...."

Observe carefully , better ask feedback from reliable friends, colleagues and family members.
Strange it may sound, some person habitually starts with "NO" , even when they mean "YES".

If you happen to share this habit,
throw it like a rotten apple in a compost-bin.
Wear a new face of positivity and YES apple.


Tuesday, 29 October 2013

unputdownable WILL overcomes Obstacles

Drive headlong into the challenge.
Carry your firepower - your determination , your foresight.
Ram it with all might and break free.

Obstacle is NOT as powerful as you are.
In reality , it MAY NOT exist even.
Sometimes it exists only in the corner of our mind.
Sweep that corner , clear the dust , open the window of reason
and wisdom .

Let light shine.
Overcome the ghost of illogical.

Your judgement based on reality is crucial.
Find the Direction to enforce your will , to channelize energy.
Concentrate on strategy that is driven both by wisdom, knowledge and fierce determination.
In the end
What exists is your unputdownable WILL.

Obstacles will bow before your will.
Know for sure, it will.

Monday, 14 October 2013

HOT before TIME : Do it NOW

If you CAN'T do it TOMORROW.
           [ my smiling push to my boys & other team members ]

TOMORROW will always come,

DO it NOW,
Or YOU may not DO IT EVER.

This is one of my favorite posters I kept pinned up -
               one in front wall - to remind ME of my favorite Song
               one on the back wall -to remind visitors in my office.

Though late ,I understood the value of it.
Made my favorite song into a colorful PPT poster.

It always paid handsomely.
Doing it,before it is demanded by Client ,by my boss,by my team.

Prioritize you Must - at critical times , daily , if required.
Given the priorities, START , DON'T delay.
START right Away when the topic is HOT.

Procrastination is your worst enemy.
It defeats even the most resourceful individual.
Defeat this ENEMY.
Only YOU can do that.
No one else.


Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Productive Learning

Good Learning is a noble profession.
Putting Learning into Action for welfare of humanity is the noblest.
শিক্ষার  প্রাথমিক  উদ্দেশ্য  মানব  সভ্যতার  উন্নযন। 

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Let million managers bloom

We are all managers !?
Yes, in a sense, we are.

The world would have been a better place to live were we all good managers -
good managers in our own worksphere - home, business , institutions , administrations.

We continue to manage our affairs , our lives well or poorly , without being aware of essence of good management and the fruitful consequences that may entail. Most of us link it to management of business only leaving a whole domain of life outside the scope of this all pervasive act.

How many times we ask our children to mange their affairs better ?
How many times we undertake any effort for a better kitchen management ?
How many of us teach our kids the art of managing one's purse ?

Very few indeed.

Management as a trait of an individual does not get any attention  by and large, until she or he graduates and manages to get into a business school. Those who do not ?

That's a big hole in the education our kids.
Not a surprise that we have only institutionalized managers with a stamp of a business school. And all of them , by law of statistics , are not good managers.

Good management at home reduces wastage of food , water & electricity ,  keeps people healthy & secure , produces efficient business mangers , adept administrators , sensible politicians , dutiful citizens . 

Less  burden on food.
Less poverty around the world
Less green house emissions
Less burden on health care system
Less political strife....

The opportunity is enormous.

Let our children hear the essence of management right when they start going to schools. Let them hear the common-sense approach to becoming mini-managers of their affair. Let them grow knowing the distinction between efficiency and mediocrity . Let them know  what is called 'quality' & how to avoid a bad quality production. Let them imbibe the sense of punctuality.

The world will be a better place
if our children grow as mini-managers of their lives & environment.
Let Million Managers Bloom.